Selling Resources

Make selling real estate in Southern Tasmania a breeze with our informative selling resources, articles and comprehensive guides, from the "how to" in getting your property ready for sale to what is involved in the settlement.


If you are looking for an expert local agent to sell your property, you can search and find your ideal Fall property agent here. Our Fall property agents have local and industry knowledge that sets them apart to gain the best price for your property.


Are you ready to find out the current market value of your property? Click here to request a sales appraisal.

What is property settlement | Fall Real Estate

Understanding the property settlement process

We answer your questions about the property settlement process in Southern Tasmania. At Fall Real Estate, your success is our success.
A property agent undertaking a property appraisal for their client | Fall Real Estate

Understanding property appraisals 101

It is important to understand what a property appraisal is and what happens during a property appraisal. This will give you a better understanding of the value of a property appraisal in your real estate journey.
Agents providing a property appraisal | Fall Real Estate

Appraisals versus valuations

Discover the key differences between appraisals and valuations—and why knowing them could save you time and money. Click to learn more!
Fall Real Estate Selling Real Estate Resources

Who decides the settlement date?

Curious about who decides the settlement date in a property transaction? Read our article to learn more about the process and what factors come into play!
The comprehensive guide to the costs of selling a house in Tasmania blog image Post

Costs of selling a house in Tasmania

This article equips sellers with possible costs involved in selling property in Tasmania, enabling them to make informed decisions throughout the selling journey.
Downsizing your property with Fall Real Estate where your success is our success

Simplify downsizing your property

Why now is the ideal time to sell by downsizing your property. Are you thinking about listing your property for sale so you can downsize? Read our guide for homeowners wanting to downsize.
Upsizing to an eastern shore property with Fall Real Estate.

Why now is the perfect time to upsize your property

Why now is the perfect time to upsize your property. Are you thinking about listing your property for sale so you can upsize? Read our guide for homeowners wanting to upsize.
Sold by Peter Clark - 4/556 Sandy Bay Road

Exploring Recent Successes with Peter Clark at 4/556 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay

Learn more about the successful sale of this property in Sandy Bay. Sold by Peter Clark
Learn more about the successful sale of 4/28 Bedford Street in New Town, Tasmania

Real Estate Insights: sold, 4/28 Bedford Street, New Town, TAS 7008

Learn more about the successful sale of this property in New Town. Sold by Enrico Palermo
Image for blog: What to expect during the offer process. Image depicts a couple looking at their new home whilst holding the keys

Navigating selling your property: The four main methods

Discover the four main methods available for selling your property and determine the most suitable option for your circumstances.
Should you renovate before you sell or rent? Fall Real Estate

Should you renovate before selling or renting your property?

Contemplating whether you should renovate before selling or renting your property? Keen on maximising your sale price? This article delves into just that!
Image for blog: What to expect during the offer process. Image depicts a couple looking at their new home whilst holding the keys

What to expect during the offer process

Get the ultimate guide to buying real estate in Southern Tasmania and prepare for a successful home purchase.
Fall Real Estate Selling Real Estate Resources

Should you sell your home during the Easter break?

Is Easter the perfect time to sell your property? Discover the best timing for a successful sale.
Image for Fall Real Estate blog: Preparing a property for sale. Image of a tradesman advising homeowner couple of various repairs needed.

Preparing your property for sale

Not sure where to begin when selling a home? Here are 12 helpful tips to get you started when preparing your property for sale.
3 Gingerbread houses sitting against a white backdrop

Successful Selling at Christmas

Why selling your home this Christmas could be a smart move! Read our Christmas article to find out more!

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